
What is a mono photocopier, and how will it benefit my business?

Written by Toshiba | Nov 15, 2022 11:32:00 AM

Much like printing, photocopying is one of the significant aspects of an office environment. There are numerous types of photocopiers available on the market, and over the years, the style and makes have evolved along with the features they offer. When shopping for a photocopier, your first choice should have features that make office life more convenient. In this article, we will be focusing on the Mono photocopier. We will discuss the Mono photocopier and the advantages of having one in your office.

What is a Mono photocopier?

Much like a mono printer, a mono photocopier is a black and white photocopier that only uses one toner color, black. These photocopiers are ideal for companies or departments that often print several invoices, bill runs, worksheets, or large text-based documents, which often require no color. Mono photocopiers are environmentally friendly because they use no color and fewer toner cartridges.

How affordable is a Mono photocopier?

Although mono photocopiers have advanced over the years and now have more functions,, duplex copying , and finishing options, including stapling, hole punching, and booklet printing, that help streamline office workflows. Mono photocopiers are now more cost-effective.

How fast is productivity?

When it comes to a quality photocopier, the essential aspect is speed and durability. When you want to purchase a mono photocopier for your office, you need to ensure that the one you choose does not slow down productivity but is capable of meeting monthly print volumes without constantly having paper jams or breakdowns.

Mono photocopiers come at various speeds, referred to as volume. Low-volume photocopiers commonly have a print speed of up to 35 pages per minute, and high-volume photocopiers commonly have a print speed of between 60 and 100 pages per minute.

The bottom line is the faster the photocopier you choose, the more durable it is. In the photocopier industry, durability is defined as a duty cycle. When selecting a low-volume device, remember that it will only be able to print a few hundred or thousand sheets monthly without experiencing issues. In contrast, if you go for a high-volume device, it can offer you the capability of printing tens of thousands of sheets monthly.

You must consider all these facts so you do not risk purchasing a photocopier incapable of meeting your monthly print volume demand, which can lead to a financial loss.

The benefits of having a mono photocopier in the office 

  • Quick and convenient
    Mono photocopiers offer you optimal productivity because they make numerous types of paperwork at high speed. They are effortless to use and do not require much work. The process is simple:

- add the document you want to copy
- turn on the machine
- push a button
- and then the magic happens

The machine rapidly produces any number of copies placed in the input. For added convenience, you can also be specific on the size of the documents, choosing whether you want them to be bigger or smaller than the original one.

  • You can print both sides.
    You can print both sides of a document with a mono photocopier if you set it up. This will speed up the printing process and is another advantage of using this photocopier.
  • A clean process
    Mono photocopiers provide clean copies of the material you wish to copy. The ink from the copier does not smudge the person using it. Before photocopiers became popular, the process of using them was messy. Carbon paper could transfer ink from the paper to the person using the paper.

Mono photocopiers are beneficial to any office environment. Choose the best for your business and operate at optimal productivity today from Toshiba